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Stop Press 31st January 2020

News items for week ending 31st January 2020

News items for week ending 31st January 2020

Attendance for this week

Infants:         1 Donaldson – 98.8%                 

Juniors:         3 Kinney & 4 Rosen – 100%


Well done to all of these classes!

Communications sent out this week:


 Applicable year group

 How it was distributed





Dates for your diary

11th February 2020

How we teach grammar and how it links to children’s writing

10th February 2020

Number in Reception Class


Road Safety

We received a call, this week, from a shop keeper near Waterman’s the dry cleaner concerned about children’s safety when crossing the small service road outside their shop.  They have noticed that a lot of cars are using the service road to cut through from the Limpsfield Road to Tithepit Shaw Lane and are travelling quickly along this small road.  Please can we ask that you speak to your child/ren regarding road safety.


Year 1 Phonics Meeting

Thank you to all who attended the Year 1 Phonics Check meeting on Thursday.  A copy of the information is now on the parent workshop tab. 


Read with my Child

Last Friday’s ‘Read With My Child’ was another great success.  It was lovely welcoming some many of you in to the School and to see the children sharing stories with you all. 


Warlingham Walk

Year 3 went on a local walk to Warlingham this week.  We were delighted to see that their fabulous behaviour and enjoyment for learning was noted by members of the public.  There was a positive facebook comment “Yesterday afternoon Warlingham Community library was visited by 38 Y3 children from Hamsey Green Primary School.  The visit was hosted by volunteer, Dot and myself.  The children were all well behaved and all participated in our little quiz, which was great to see.  Hopefully some of the children will return with their parents to become junior library members as we have a good selection of children’s books to choose from” from Tina Picanza.  


Mission 500 Competition

Radio 2’s 500 Words story-writing competition was introduced this week during assembly. The competition allows the children to write a creative story of 500 words (only to be judged on the content rather than grammar, punctuation and spelling). Entries to this competition are open to children from Years 1 to 6 (please note: children need to be aged 5 by 12th June 2020 to enter). If successful, the child will win a variety of books - both for themselves and for the school.

A child’s typed entry needs to be submitted by 27th February 2020. Further information including details on submitting entries, visit the website at

Hamsey Green has also launched their own competition based on Radio 2’s, called Mission 500. Unlike the Radio 2 variant, the entries may be handwritten or typed and have a deadline of Tuesday 31st March 2020.  Please provide a printed copy of any entry submitted to 500 Words, as these will also qualify for Mission 500.


The Words of the Week were

Infants        -        Chant – ‘say or shout repeatedly in a sing song tone’

Juniors        -        Rapacious – ‘aggressively greedy, money grabbing’

Riddle of the Week for pupils (last answer: your age)

Why did Mickey Mouse become an astronaut?

Please note, if articles are submitted late for publication, they will be published in the following weeks’ stop press

Please also follow us on twitter Image result for Twitter Logo @Hamsey Green Primary School