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New News Story

News items for week ending 30th November.

Attendance for this week

Lower School:                   Murphy         97.1%

Upper School:                   Rowling         98.5%

Well done to both of these classes


Art Club at the Lower School and Tennis at the Upper School have both now finished for this term. Last sessions for all other clubs are as follows:

Lower School

Book Club – Monday 3rd December

Multiskills – Thursday 6th December


Upper School

Girls Football – Monday 3rd December

Boys Football (yrs 3&4) – Monday 3rd December

Cross Country – Monday 3rd December

Dancekids – Wednesday 12th December

Netball – Wednesday 5th December

Boys Football (yrs 5&6) – Wednesday 5th December

Choir – Thursday 6th December

Homework Club – Friday 7th December


NSPCC Online Safety Workshop

If you would like to attend the free NSPCC Online Safety Workshop being held on Tuesday 4th December at 2pm in the Upper School Hall, then please contact either school office to reserve your place.


Thank you!

We would just like to say a huge thank you to all of the parents and staff who have very kindly donated prizes for our Winter Wonderland raffle! Your generosity is very much appreciated!


School Photographs

Please be reminded that as per last week’s Stop Press, if you are placing an order via the school please ensure that it is returned to the school office by no later than the morning of Monday 3rd December.


Christmas Dinner

The school will be serving a Christmas dinner on Wednesday 12th December. If your child would like to have a Christmas dinner, please log into the School Money system in order to book this for them. Please click here to view the festive menu.

School Money - Dinners

Useful tip - In order to ensure your meal selections for your child are saved correctly, you must click the “update booking” button when you have chosen your meals for the given week before moving onto the next week.


Inkpen & Ahlberg Parents

There will be no more Forest School this term, due to Christmas rehearsals and activities. The children should therefore wear normal school uniform. Forest School will resume in the New Year.

Please can we also remind you that we need all costumes for the show, by Monday 3rd December.