New News Story
News items for week ending 21st December
Attendance for this term
Lower School: Dahl 95.8%
Upper School: Rosen 97.6%
Well done to both of these classes who have the highest overall attendance for the Autumn term.
Thank you!
A huge thank you to everyone who supported our Winter Wonderland Christmas Fair! Once we have the final figure, we will be able to share with you just how much money was raised for our school!
In addition, to all of the wonderful donations received for the Winter Wonderland, there have been many occasions over the last few weeks when we have asked parents for donations, and we really have been blown away by your generosity! This includes:
£442.52 raised during our Christmas Productions for school maths resources.
£213.88 raised for Great Ormond Street Hospital at the Christmas Choir performance.
£256 raised for Save the Children on Christmas Jumper Day!
School Dinners
The menus for Spring term 2019 are now available on the School Money system. Please remember to log in and order school dinners for your child in advance of our return to school on Monday 7th January.
Breakfast/After School Club
Sessions for Spring term 2019 are now bookable on the School Money system. If you require sessions at the breakfast/after school club for next term, please ensure you access the system over the Christmas break in order to book.
Merry Christmas!
We would like to wish all of the children and their families a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!
We hope you enjoy the holidays and we look forward to welcoming the children back into school on Monday 7th January.