Stop Press 17th May 2019
News items for week ending 17th May 2019
News items for week ending 17th May 2019
Attendance for this week
Lower School: Ahlberg 100%
Upper School: Rundell 98.3%
Well done to both of these classes
Communications sent out this week:
Communication |
Applicable year group |
How it was distributed |
Club letter |
Whole school |
Hard copy |
Class photo proofs |
Whole school |
Hard copy |
BBC Surrey Breakfast - Kids Talk
James Cannon, BBC Surrey Breakfast presenter, has let us know that Kids Talk will start on Monday at 8:20am. He will also be sending a link to the iplayer once it’s been broadcast on Monday so that it can be listened to again. Quote from James Cannon, “The children all sound really good and I hope you are looking forward to hearing them!”.
Year 6 SATs
We have all been so proud of the Year 6 children taking their SATs! They have worked so hard and shown such dedication and resilience this week and Mrs Mace can honestly say that she could not have asked for more. Our Year 2’s also are undergoing SATs too - can't wait to see their 'special' work they are working on!
Year 5 Whitgift and Croydon High School visits
Our Year 5’s have spent the week at the Whitgift Primary Project learning Japanese and Chinese, developing animation skills, furthering their computing skills, doing experiments such as burning jelly babies and were in awe, learning in the environmental area with the flamingos, wallabies and peacocks! Such a wonderful opportunity. All pupils showed exceptional behaviour and demonstrated the school values whilst there and using public transport. Today the boys have gone to Whitgift for music and the girls are at Croydon High for robotics! - an aspirational week!
Class/Year group Assemblies
We look forward to seeing you at our class assemblies and sharing with you all the wonderful things that the children have done and achieved. We also look forward to catching up with you as your feedback is important to us.
Inkpen Thursday 23rd May 2:15pm
Year 4 Friday 24th May 9am
Dahl Thursday 13th June 2:15pm
Year 5 Friday 14th June 9am
Ahlberg Thursday 20th June 2:15pm
Year 3 Friday 21st June 9am
Murphy Thursday 27th June 2:15pm
School shoes
Some children are coming to school in trainers. Please can we remind you of our uniform. Trainers are not permitted footwear, neither are boots, ballet pumps or canvas shoes. Black shoes which are properly fitted should be worn. If you are still unsure or unclear, please refer to the school website on the parents information page which informs you of the Do’s and Don’t’s. Children who are not in the correct footwear will be asked to change into their black school plimsolls for the duration of the school day. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Please remember to check in your child’s book bag for any letters from school; and to regularly check the website for any important information eg Stop Press.
Allergy reminder
Please can we remind you to make sure that there are no nuts or products containing nuts in packed lunches. Thank you.
The Word of the Week was
Upper School sinuous - ‘having many curves or twists’
Lower School prevail - ‘to prove more powerful or superior’
Please note, if articles are submitted late for publication, they will be published in the following weeks’ stop press