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Stop Press 14th June 2019

News items for week ended 14th June 2019

News items for week ending 14th June 2019

Attendance for this week

Lower School:        Inkpen         100%                           

Upper School:        Wells           98.3%

Well done to both of these classes


Communications sent out this week:


 Applicable year group

 How it was distributed

Chessington letter re Merlin Pass

Year 3

Hard copy

Trip to Bay Pond

Year R, 1 & 2

Hard copy


Uniform Orders

Where possible please can all uniform orders be placed on line via School Money.  If this is not possible all orders must be given to the Upper School office with the correct cash or a cheque payable to Hamsey Green Primary School.  Orders will then be filled and sent home with the children.  The last date for placing orders for this year will be Monday 8th July; we cannot guarantee orders placed after this date will be fulfilled before school finishes.


PGL Reminder Letter

For those attending PGL, please click here for the reminder letter.



If your child is taking part in the Bikeability course next week please make sure they have their bike in school every morning.  They can bring jogging bottoms or leggings to wear for the course and can change back into their school uniform when their sessions has finished.


Olympic Athlete Visit

As you will be aware, we have an Olympic athlete visiting Hamsey Green on Thursday 4th July.  The children have already brought home a sponsorship form which should be completed and returned to school with the money by week commencing 24th June.


Summer Reading Challenge

The Reading Agency and Surrey Libraries are excited to bring you this year’s SPACE CHASE, Summer Reading Challenge 2019.  It will run from Saturday 13th July until Saturday 14th September and it is free!  Please click here to see more information.


Open events for Riddlesdown Collegiate

Please click here for information on the open events for Riddlesdown Collegiate.  Hard copies of these can be picked up at the Main Office.


The Word of the Week was

Upper School           torturous   - ‘involving or causing severe pain’

Lower School            measly       - ‘ridiculously small’


Riddle of the Week for pupils (answers will be published in the following weeks' stop press)

What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?


Please note, if articles are submitted late for publication, they will be published in the following weeks’ stop press