Stop Press 21st June 2019
News Items for week ended 21st June 2019
News items for week ending 21st June 2019
Attendance for this week
Lower School: Inkpen 100%
Upper School: Rosen 100%
Well done to both of these classes
Communications sent out this week:
Communication |
Applicable year group |
How it was distributed |
District Sports |
By invitation only – reply required |
Hard copy |
To three Year 6 pupils who entered the ‘Hear Me Speak’ debate on Tuesday. They represented Hamsey Green proudly. Well done!
Thank you!
Thank you to all the parents who have attended assemblies over this last week and all of your positive feedback. We would be grateful if you are able to complete the parent view on the Ofsted website
Well done to all the children who have taken part in the Bikeability course this week, you have all passed! It makes us pleased and confident that these children now cycle safely in our local area.
Hamsey's Got Talent
We are looking forward to our very own Hamsey's Got Talent this afternoon! There will be a performance at the Summer Fair.
Please can we remind parents, the safest way for pupils to exit a car is pavement side, not road side. Please do not drop pupils off at the school gates, but find somewhere safe and considerate to stop. Thank you.
St Bede’s School Open Evening
St Bede’s have their Open Evening on Thursday 4th July. Please click here for more information. Hard copies of this flyer can be found in the foyer of the Main Office.
Riddlesdown Collegiate Open events booking
Further to the information regarding Riddlesdown Collegiate’s Open events, the booking link is now available online:
A final reminder to those attending PGL next week. Please bring in any medication on Monday morning and hand in to the Office. Please also remember a packed lunch, pillow, sleeping bag and teddy!
Hamsey Green Summer Fair
This year’s Summer Fair will be on Friday 5th July, 3pm-5:30pm. Please come and support us and have some fun! Please click here for our poster.
Lost Property
The lost property boxes at both schools are overflowing. Please come and check to see if any of the items belong to your child, as anything left at the end of term will be disposed of. The box at the Lower School is located in the playground under the scooter shelter and at the Upper School, in the dining hall where the children put their lunch boxes; this can be accessed by parents before school when the door is open or by the children during the school day.
The Word of the Week was
Upper School opulence – ‘large and excessive amounts of wealth’
Lower School glum – ‘looking or feeling gloomy and disappointed’
Riddle of the Week for pupils (last week’s answer: a clock)
What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
Please note, if articles are submitted late for publication, they will be published in the following weeks’ stop press