Stop Press 6th September 2019
News items for week ending 6th September 2019
News items for week ending 6th September 2019
Attendance for this week
Due to starting back midweek, we have not calculated the attendance for this week.
Communications sent out this week:
Communication |
Applicable year group |
How it was distributed |
Welcome Back!
It has been lovely to welcome new and current families all back to Hamsey Green after our busy summer break. All the hard work and support that has been given by staff, parents and friends has all been worth it. The School is looking fantastic and this has come from everyone’s commitment to Hamsey Green. Thank you for your help it has been so appreciated. We still have plans and ideas for developing the school and grounds further.
We’d also like to extend a warm welcome to our new members of staff.
Reception Class (Inkpen)
We are looking forward to welcoming our new Reception Class next week. We know that all our parents and pupils will welcome our new families with our Hamsey Green friendliness!
Polite reminder
Please can we remind you for the start of term, about safe practice in dropping your children off at school. We are now all on the one school site which will increase the traffic and parking in the area. Please can you be respectful and mindful of the residents, Hamsey Green children and families walking to school as well as Warlingham School students.
Please do not drive up on the kerb to drop children off or park/stop over the Schools markings. These markings are in case we need any emergency vehicles to attend the school. Pupils in Year 4 and below should be accompanied into school and not allowed to walk up through the gates on their own. Also, children should not be climbing trees before or after school. Your children are your responsibility before and after school. Thank you for your co-operation.
School Dinners
Please remember to book your child’s/children’s school dinners online. If you have forgotten your login details to be able to do this, please contact the school on Thank you!
School times
Our school is open from 8:30am, with doors closing at 8:45am. Any child that arrives after this time, MUST come through the main office to be marked in. The finishing times are as follows:
Reception: 2:50pm
Years 1&2: 2:55pm
Years 3-6: 3:00pm
Calendar dates
Thursday 12th September 9am-10am or 2pm-2:50pm – Welcome meeting with Mrs Mace – School’s vision and School Improvement Plan for 2019
Monday 9th September 3:10pm - PTA re-launch meeting with Mr Boffa. Further to the Headteacher’s newsletter, Mr Boffa is looking forward to meeting our community who would like to join our PTA.
All other key dates and events for this term are on our website.
Sponsor a plant
As you may have noticed some of our plant beds have been weeded and some of our plants have been “sponsored by……” in order to fill them. We would be very grateful if your families could sponsor an outdoor plant that your child can look after during the school year.
South East Surrey Dyslexia Association
SESDA have a talk on ASD and ADHD should any parent/carer be interested in attending. Please click here for more information.
Riddle of the Week for pupils (last answer: edam)
What gets wetter as it dries?
Please note, if articles are submitted late for publication, they will be published in the following weeks’ stop press