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Stop Press 4th October 2019

News items for week ending 4th October 2019

News items for week ending 4th October 2019

Attendance for this week

Infants:         2 Murphy    98.5%                   

Juniors:         4 Rosen      99.5%       

Well done to both of these classes


Communications sent out this week:


 Applicable year group

 How it was distributed

Nasal Flu Programme

Whole school

E mail

School Photographs

Whole school

Hard copy

Dahl Class staffing

Year 1

Hard copy

School News App

​​Firstly, you will need to download the app from either the iTunes App Store , Google Play or Windows Store by clicking on the relevant buttons below or by loading up the app store on your phone and searching for ‘School News’.

Once you have located and downloaded the free app, launch the app and you will then be able to either click on the ‘Find my school’ button which uses the phones GPS to locate all the schools in the surrounding 20 miles, or you can type in the schools postcode and click on ‘Get my school’ button.

Once you have this app on your phone, notifications of events and new calendar dates are sent directly to you.  Please download so you don’t miss any important dates!!


Booking School Dinners – School Money

Please remember that school dinners must be booked in advance on the School Money system, you are not able to book a dinner for the same day. The cut off time for being able to book dinners is midnight the night before. i.e. Sunday midnight is the last time that you are able to book Monday’s dinner.

If you need to book a dinner or cancel a school dinner on the day please contact the School Office who will be happy to assist.

Please can we also ask that lunch boxes are clearly named.  Several children in the school have the same design of lunch box and the children sometimes get confused and pick up the wrong lunch leading to upset.


Macmillan Coffee Morning

Thank you to everyone who came and supported our Coffee Morning and Coffee Afternoon.  Your generosity has raised an amazing £312 exactly!  Thank you!


EYFS Curriculum Meeting

Thank you to everyone who came and supported the Early Years Curriculum meeting on Wednesday.  The presentation is now available on our website under the Parents/Workshop tab.


Parents Consultations

These will be held Tuesday 15th October and Thursday 17th October.  You will be sent an invitation to book a suitable day and time (you only need to book one of the days) by email and text.  Please can you take this opportunity to ensure that we have your correct email address and mobile number so that you do not miss out on the invite.  If you are unable to see your class teacher at the times available, please arrange to see them at a mutually agreeable time.

Pupils in years 1-6 should attend with their parents as their new targets will be set.

Mrs Mace will be leaving out laptops for you to complete a survey.  We are really excited to hear your viewpoints!


Travelling Books – Book Fair

The Book fair will be at the School 14th-18th October at the end of the school day.  It will be located in the Library and access will be through the playground Library door.


The Book People

We have signed up for The Book People’s Big Book Boost.  For every online order over £10, we qualify for a £1 donation, which you will be able to choose Hamsey Green Primary School upon checkout.  If you are going to be ordering any books for Christmas or birthdays, please consider using this to help support us.  Thank you!


Children’s Birthdays

Please can we politely ask that you do not send sweets or cakes in to school on your child’s birthday for sharing with their class.  We have a number of children with either food allergies or dietary requirements and it is safer not to bring in food items.  Thank you for your help.


The Word of the Week was

Infants       -          Polite – ‘to be respectful of other people’s feelings'

Juniors        -        Erudite – ‘to have or show great knowledge’


Riddle of the Week for pupils (last answer: An egg)

What begins with T ends with T and has T in it?


Please note, if articles are submitted late for publication, they will be published in the following weeks’ stop press