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Stop Press 11th October 2019

News Items for week ending 11th October 2019

News items for week ending 11th October 2019

Attendance for this week

Lower School:        1 Dahl         99%                     

Upper School:         4 Rosen      100% 

Well done to both of these classes


Communications sent out this week:


 Applicable year group

 How it was distributed

Parents Evening Booking notification

Whole School

Text and/or Email

Whitgift Primary Project Concert

Yr6 + School Council

Hard copy

Reading Focus

Our school priority this year is Reading.  To help encourage pupils to read, we were delighted to host The Hobbit play, by M&M Productions yesterday.  The pupils were mesmerised!  We are looking forward to welcoming them back for World Book Day!


Harvest – Thursday 17th October

Our Harvest collection will go to Nightwatch.  Please can you donate any non-perishable goods.  Pupils should take their donations to class and will present them at assembly.  Thank you in advance for your support.


Parents Consultations

Please remember that these will be held Tuesday 15th October (Reception - Year 6) and Thursday 17th October (Reception, Year 2 - Year 6).  If you are unable to see your class teacher at the times available, please arrange to see them at a mutually agreeable time.

Pupils in years 1-6 should attend with their parents as their new targets will be set.

Please can you all enter via the main entrance and follow the signs to the classrooms.  Mrs Mace will be leaving out laptops, in the main entrance, for you to complete a survey.  This should only take a few minutes to complete and can be done either before or after your consultation.    We are really excited to hear your viewpoints!

With a reading focus this year, the book fair will be moved to the main entrance should you so wish to buy a book!


Travelling Books – Book Fair

Please be reminded that the Book fair will be at the School 14th-18th October (next week) at the end of the school day, between 3pm-3:30pm.  It will be located in the Library and access will be through the playground Library door.  (On Parent Consultation evenings, the Book Fair will be moved to the main entrance).


Grandparents Day

What a success!  Thank you to all who came; we had so many, we over-spilled to the little dining hall.  Grandparents really enjoyed sharing a book and playing games with their family.  It was so successful, we plan to do this again in spring!


Mufti Day – Friday 25th October

Please bring £1 for wearing mufti on Friday 25th October.  This will be for our school development in playground/reading.


The Word of the Week was

Infants       -         miffed – ‘to be annoyed’

Juniors        -        dauntless – ‘to be without fear and show vast determination’


Riddle of the Week for pupils (last answer: a teapot)

Which month has 28 days?

Please note, if articles are submitted late for publication, they will be published in the following weeks’ stop press.

Please also follow us on twitter.