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Stop Press 29th November

News items for week ending 29th November

News items for week ending 29th November 2019

Attendance for this week

Infants:                1 Donaldson            96%            

Juniors:                 5 Rundell               99.3%


Well done to both of these classes!


Communications sent out this week:


 Applicable year group

 How it was distributed

Letter re visit to Trinity

Year 3

Hard copy

Greek Day

Year 3

Hard copy

Dates for your diary

Monday 2nd December

Y3 Greek Day
6pm Christmas Choir concert.

Wednesday 4th December

Yr3/4 Choir to Greenacres

Yr 3 visiting Trinity School for Pantomime

Saturday 7th December

11am Winter Wonderland Christmas Fair

Thursday 12th December

3-4.15pm KS1 Disco
5-6.30pm KS2 Disco

Friday 13th December

Christmas Jumper Day - £1 donation for Save the Children

Monday 16th December

9am Y1 & 2 Christmas Play
1.45pm Reception Christmas Play

Tuesday 17th December

9am Reception Christmas Play
1.45pm Y1 & 2 Christmas Play


Attendance and Fixed Penalty Notice

Please click here for our attendance policy and information regarding fixed penalty notices issues for unauthorised absences of five days or more.


Year 3 and 4 High Ashurst Trip

Please remember that the last date to make a deposit payment for the High Ashurst trip is this Monday 2nd December.  Once all applications have been received we will contact parents to advise whether or not your child has gained a place on the trip.



All teacher run clubs will finish week ending Friday 6th December.  MDL tennis will finish on 2nd December, Dancekids will finish on 11th December and Crystal Palace football will finish on 12th  December.  Application letters for next term’s clubs will be sent home in January.


Absence from school

Please can we remind parents/carers to contact the school by 9.30am each day if your child is absent.  Messages can be left by telephone on the absence voicemail or can be e mailed to  We would also like to remind you that if your child has sickness and/or diarrhoea they must stay away from school until they have been clear of symptoms for 48 hours.


WW2 Bus

We welcomed the WW2 bus on Monday.  Year 6 all had an amazing time going back to the 1940’s!  All of the costumes were fantastic and the children were all able to discuss what they had learnt.


Dragon’s Den - Enterprise

The Dragons were most impressed with the videos, powerpoint’s and posters.  The twist on jingles is still making Mrs Mace laugh!  Congratulations to Year 3 who are the overall winners of this year’s Dragon’s Den.  We can’t wait to see them selling their goods at the Christmas Fair.  Thank you to our panellists who gave up their time for today.


The Words of the Week were

Infants        -        Wail – ‘a long, loud cry of pain, anger or sadness’

Juniors        -        Recidivist – ‘a criminal who repeatedly offends’


Riddle of the Week for pupils (last answer: a palm tree)

If an electric train is travelling south, which way is the smoke going?


Please note, if articles are submitted late for publication, they will be published in the following weeks’ stop press

Please also follow us on twitter Image result for Twitter Logo @Hamsey Green Primary School