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Stop Press 10th January 2020

News Items week ending 10th January 2020

News items for week ending 10th January 2020

Attendance for this week

Infants:         1 Dahl – 94.4%                       

Juniors:         3 Kinney & 6 Morpurgo – 100%                          

Well done to all of these classes!


Communications sent out this week:


 Applicable year group

 How it was distributed

Swimming letter

Year 5

Hard copy

Bikeability letter

Year 6

Hard copy


Dates for your diary

Wednesday 15th January 2020

Primary School application deadline

Wednesday 15th January

SEND Coffee morning 8:45am-9:30am - ALL

Monday 20th January

Year 2 SATS information meeting – Parents of Year 2


Welcome Back!

Happy New Year to all our families.  It’s lovely to see everyone back after the Christmas break. 


Email communications to parents

We have been made aware of an issue if you use a hotmail email account and our teachers to parents email system.  Please check our website for upcoming events and Stop Press and further information regarding troubleshooting will be made available in due course.



Our Year 5 children should have received their letter regarding swimming for this term.


Picture News – Parent resource

We receive Picture News as a resource for the children in school.  They are now including a resource for parents to discuss relevant topics.  Please click here and here for this.


Jigsaw (Southeast) Preparing for loss information evening

Jigsaw Southeast is holding an information evening on Wednesday 29th January in Redhill.  This information evening will focus on the sad situation of facing the loss of a loved one within the family and to find out how best to support them.

Many children will experience the loss of a loved one such as a grandparent or sibling.  Please click here for the poster with further information how to book a place.  This event is free to attend.


SEND Workshop – Wednesday 15th January

There will be a SEND Workshop on Wednesday 15th January: How do we support pupils who find learning literacy difficult through first quality teaching? 

Another chance to attend the above workshop led by Mrs Ali.

This workshop will be held in the After School Club Room located by the Year 3 entrance, 8.45-9.30am.

Please email if you wish to attend.


Primary School applications for Reception Class

We would like to remind you that the closing date for any applications for Reception Class is Wednesday 15th January 2020.


The Words of the Week were

Infants        - afraid – how you feel when you’re scared of something  

Juniors        - volatile - someone or something that is highly changeable and unpredictable, can be suddenly violent or aggressive.


Riddle of the Week for pupils (last answer: Because they never learned to cook!)

What do lazy dogs do for fun?

Please note, if articles are submitted late for publication, they will be published in the following weeks’ stop press

Please also follow us on twitter Image result for Twitter Logo @Hamsey Green Primary School