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Stop Press 24th January 2020

News items for week ending 24th January 2020

News items for week ending 24th January 2020

Attendance for this week

Infants:                Joint 1st place        2 Murphy 100%

                                                                  1 Donaldson 100%  

Juniors:                                                   5 Rundell 99.3%


Well done to all of these classes!

Communications sent out this week:


 Applicable year group

 How it was distributed

DanceKids Harlequin performance

DanceKids club

Hard copy




Dates for your diary

Thursday 30th January

3pm-3:30pm Dahl classroom - Year 1 phonics check information and expectations meeting for Parents/Carers of Year 1.

(Mrs Mace & Miss Chatfield will be covering Creative Club)

Monday 3rd February

Tickets released for pupils involved in the Harlequin (DanceKids).  Letter to follow.

Tuesday 4th February

9am-10:30am Hall – How we teach grammar and how it links to children’s writing for Parents/Carers of Year 1-6; Led by Mr Brown.


Going Home Messages

For Safeguarding, if there is a change to your child’s going home arrangements please can we ask that you let the teacher know in the morning or call the office as early as possible.  Unfortunately if the message is received after 2.30pm we are not always able to contact the class.


Communications from School

Our new communications system provider has made us aware of a possible problem you may have encountered where parents with a ‘hotmail’ account may be having problems receiving e mails from the school.  Please can we ask you to check in your junk or spam mail box for any e mails that have been sent and then mark them as not junk or spam.


Nursery Questionnaire

Thank you to all who completed a questionnaire last term regarding Nursery provisions.  Tandridge Learning Trust invite you to complete a further questionnaire to enable them to gather further information on requirements.  Please email your completed questionnaire to  Please click here for a copy.


Chinese New Year lunch

On Monday 27th January to celebrate Chinese New Year and the special lunch option, children may wear something red for good luck.


Charity Quiz Night/Mufti

Mr Liam (from DanceKids) is hosting a quiz night to raise money for the Lily Foundation.  This will be on Saturday 15th February.  Please click here for the poster.

The children are having a mufti day (£1) and an assembly on Friday 14th February to explain about his chosen charity.  Mr Liam is also running the marathon for them!  The Lily Foundation colours are lilac, mint, green and pink, should your child wish to wear any of these colours.


Dyslexia Workshop

SESDA have organised another workshop on ‘The importance of study skills for children with Dyslexia’ On Tuesday 25th February at 8pm.  Please click here for the poster.


Science Workshop

Please note that the date for this workshop has been changed from Thursday 12th March at 9am to Friday 13th March at 3pm.  More details are to follow.


Year 6 Leavers 2020

There will be information coming home from the Year 6 parents regarding the Year 6 Leavers party.  Please check bags!


Camps for Champs

We are really excited that Camps for Champs are coming to Warlingham Secondary School and Sixth Form College and will be offering holiday camps during all half terms and throughout Easter and the Summer holidays.  We will not, therefore, be running the Hamsey Green Easter and Summer holiday club.

The first holiday camp will be Monday 17th – Friday 21st February 2020 inclusive at Warlingham Secondary School for children aged 4-14 years.

Further details regarding costs and how to book are to follow.


The Words of the Week were

Infants        -        crawl – move slowly forward on your hands and knees

Juniors        -        indolent – lazy and unmotivated; avoiding hard work

Riddle of the Week for pupils (last answer: Moo York!)

What goes up, but never goes down

Please note, if articles are submitted late for publication, they will be published in the following weeks’ stop press

Please also follow us on twitter Image result for Twitter Logo @Hamsey Green Primary School