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Stop Press 7th February 2020

News items for week ending 7th February 2020

News items for week ending 7th February 2020

Attendance for this week

Infants:         2 Murphy – 97.7%                    

Juniors:         4 Rosen – 98.9%


Well done to both of these classes! – These are fantastic!!


Communications sent out this week:


 Applicable year group

 How it was distributed

Letter from the Trust

Whole School


Ofsted Inspection notification letter

Whole School

Hard copy and Email

Dates for your diary

Monday 10th February

Number in Reception in Inkpen (for parents/carers of Inkpen) 8:45am-9:45am

Tuesday 11th February

Grammar workshop in the hall (for parents/carers Yrs1-6), led by Mr Brown

Please note the time is now 8:45am-9:45am

Friday 14th February

Mufti for The Lily Foundation.  £1 and to wear Lilac, Green, Pink, Mint, Butterflies.

Monday 17th – Friday 21st February

Half Term

Monday 24th February

Back to School!


Thank you

Thank you to all of our Hamsey Green children and families.  This week has been a very challenging and eventful week, for me and the staff.  The children have all been superb with all of the visitors and interruptions that have occurred with the Headteacher selection process on Tuesday and the Ofsted Inspectors in Wednesday and Thursday.  I would like to say thank you all for supporting me during the process and for all your kind wishes and positive words.  I was truly touched.  The children have been great ambassadors of our school; you should all be very proud of them.  I know that we all are.


Parking and Road Safety

We have had complaints from parents, residents and members of the public of dangerous and inconsiderate parking and driving by our parents bringing children to School.  A reminder to ALL of our parents and carers, please remember that all people in a car should be wearing seatbelts and please do not park on the zig zag markings for the school.  The reason for these markings is to allow emergency service vehicles to have accessibility.  Failure to do so can result in a Penalty Charge Notice and we will be asking the local parking enforcement team to enforce this should we continue to receive complaints.  Please also park considerately and do not block our neighbour’s drives.


Naming of personal items

Please can we ask you to check that all items of uniform, coats, PE bags, bookbags and lunch boxes are all clearly named.  If you have misplaced anything over this last half term, please encourage your child to look in the lost property box in the small dining hall.


The Words of the Week were

Infants        -        Mount – to climb up something

Juniors        -        Machination – a plot or scheme

Riddle of the Week for pupils (last answer: He wanted to visit Pluto)

Why do bees hum?


Please note, if articles are submitted late for publication, they will be published in the following weeks’ stop press

Please also follow us on twitter Image result for Twitter Logo @Hamsey Green Primary School