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Stop Press 28th February 2020

News items for week ending 28th February 2020

News items for week ending 28th February 2020

Attendance for this week

Infants:         2 Murphy 96.2%                      

Juniors:        5 Walliams 98.8%                         

Well done to both of these classes!


Communications sent out this week:


 Applicable year group

 How it was distributed

Grandparents Day

Year 5


Nursery Questionnaire

Whole school

Hard copy & available on website

India Day

Year 4

Hard copy

Dates for your diary

2nd – 6th March

Book Week

Monday 2nd March

Early Years Phonics Workshop (8:45am-9:45am)

Wednesday 4th March

Book swap

Thursday 5th March

The Little Princess performance

Thursday 5th March

World Book Day dress up

Thursday 5th March

Year 5 Grandparents afternoon (from 2:40pm)

Tuesday 10th March

Grammar Workshop – parents/carers Yrs1-6 (8:45am-9:45am)


The Little Princess performance

As part of Book Week, please can you contribute £2 for The Little Princess performance on Thursday 5th March. 


Book Week 2nd – 6th March

Each child will receive a £1 voucher to spend on a book. The voucher is valid to 29th March 2020.  Please visit for information about the books that can be purchased (certain books have been created for World Book Day 2020 that cost £1 or the voucher can be used towards the cost of a full priced book) and the bookshops where the voucher can be used.

Book swap: On Wednesday 4th March there will be an opportunity for children to bring in a book from home to swap (during the school day). If your child would like to be part of this; they will need to bring a book into school by Wednesday 4th March ready to swap.

Dress up day: On Thursday 5th March, children are welcome to dress up as a character from a book of their choice.  A parade will happen during the day.


The Lily Foundation

Please click here for a letter from The Lily Foundation.


Year 5 – Grandparents Day

An email has gone out to all parents/carers of year 5 informing of an alternative day for Grandparents day, due to year 5 swimming.  This will be on Thursday 5th March from 2:40pm.


Coronavirus Update

Please click here for a letter regarding Coronavirus.


Year 5 Eligibility tests for Sutton Secondary Schools

Please click here for information on the group of secondary schools in the London Borough of Sutton which run a common Selective Eligibility Test (SET). 

Parents who might be interested in one or more of these schools have to register for the Selective Eligibility Test while their child is still in year 5.


Drama Club Update

Drama Club will be having a temporary pause until after Easter.  This will be effective from and include the 3rd March.  All places on the club will be held until Drama Club resumes.



Twelve15, who are our catering service have put together some fun facts about spring forward.   Please use click on the link to be taken to their website to find out more.


The Words of the Week were

Infants        -        shiver – ‘to shake uncontrollably when scared or cold'

Juniors        -        turbulent – ‘not stable or calm; characterised by conflict or instability’


Riddle of the Week for pupils (last answer: your feet off the floor)

If you threw a White stone into the Red Sea, what would it become?


Please note, if articles are submitted late for publication, they will be published in the following weeks’ stop press

Please also follow us on twitter Image result for Twitter Logo @Hamsey Green Primary School