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Hamsey Green Primary School is a two form entry school on one site - teachers plan and work together in year groups.

To ensure pupils and teachers have time to work together across the whole school there is now a team system. There are six teams - Emerald, Opal, Sapphire, Ruby, Topaz and Diamond - the children chose these names. Teams comprise pupils from all year groups.

On at least one occasion each half term the school divides into the six teams to meet and work together on a short activity.

Team points are awarded for good behaviour, work, politeness etc and each term a team winner is declared.

Our Reception classes are Inkpen and Butterworth class.

Mrs Jordan and Miss Kavanagh are our Reception class Teachers.

Our Reception class Teaching Assistants are Mrs Booker and Mrs Caruana.

In Reception we want our children to be happy, keen to learn, caring, considerate, confident and independent. The children learn through play and practical experiences both inside and out in the garden. Our aim is to create independent learners who are self-motivated and willing to have a go.

Our Year 1 classes are Dodd and Donaldson class.

Mrs Knolles/Mr Boffa and Miss Bonnell-Stewart are the class Teachers for Year 1.

Our Teaching Assistants working in Year 1 are Mrs Palmer, Mrs Rose, Miss Formosa and Mrs Rowe.

 In Year 1 we aim to continue to develop independence, self motivation and resilience. We encourage children to take responsibility for looking after their own belongings and to challenge themselves in all that they do. It is our aim to achieve this whilst making sure that above all our children are happy and confident at school.

Our Year 2 classes are Murphy and McKee.

Miss Caires and Mr Biancofiore are the class Teachers for Year 2.

The Teaching Assistants are Mrs Cini, Ms Walker and Mrs Key. 

In Year 2 we have high expectations of all children. We promote independence throughout the day and encourage them to take risks and challenge themselves.  We use engaging topics to enable the children to learn in a variety of different ways. Our aim is for the children to transition into KS2 happy and confident in their own abilities.

Our Year 3 class is Kinney.

The Year 3 class Teacher is Mrs Johnson.   

The Year 3 Teaching Assistant is Mrs Connery.

In Year 3 we aim to support the children in a smooth transition from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2.

We expect children to develop their independence by taking responsibility for bringing into school their P.E. kit, reading book, reading record, spelling test and spelling word list books, tables card, homework book and any challenge work produced.

A greater level of independence in work is expected with children developing their self and peer assessment skills. We also build on their understanding of what it means to be a successful and happy member of the school community.

Our Year 4 classes are Rowling and Rosen.

Our Year 4 class Teachers are Miss Lambert and Miss Mattison.

The Teaching Assistants in Year 4 are Mrs Howe, Mrs Larkman and Ms Jethwa.

During the day, the children in Year 4 have time to learn spelling and grammar rules in an interactive fun way, are set in maths groups where they are challenged and encouraged to solve problems, learn mental maths strategies, read, extend their writing skills in all subjects and aim to earn their pen licence!  They also learn about - The Celts and the Roman’s impact on Britain, Italy, India and Hinduism and The Parables and Miracles Jesus told and performed. In Science, they research about animal adaptation and habits, digestions and teeth, sound and electricity, heating and cooling solids and liquids and gasses. 

We believe that the children are enthused most through practical and creative ways and many opportunities are provided from cooking to trips to the cinema and theatre, historical and nature based experiences, drama, dress up days and independent learning.

In Year 4, we aim for the children to be more active, independent learners.  At the end of each week the children are asked to reflect on their learning. They are asked to think about something they have been especially proud of. They become more specific in narrowing down this through commenting on their independence in focussing, team work skills and perseverance, their ability to participate and ask question, their independent research and ability to extend their learning. The children then add this to the Independent Learner Board, building up a picture of their independent development throughout the terms.  

Our Year 5 class is Walliams.

Our Year 5 class Teacher is Mr Brown.

Teaching Assistants working in Year 5 are Mrs Roberts, Miss Robins and Mr Bishop. 

In Year 5 the children are Upper Juniors and we have very high expectations of them in all areas e.g. work presented neatly and thoughtfully and children taking responsibility for themselves, their belongings and, most importantly, their learning. We want the children to be able to work both independently and as members of a team - skills that will prepare them for the future.

Our Year 6 classes are Pullman and Morpurgo.

Our Year 6 class Teachers are Miss Chatfield and Mr Chew.

Teaching Assistants working in Year 6 are Mrs Irons and Mrs Harhara.

Year 6 is a really important year and the focus in maths and English is ensuring the children are prepared for secondary school. In maths, we focus on written methods for the main operations and on solving a range of problems. In English, we focus on sentence constructions ensuring the children can confidently use a range of sentence types in their writing. Although maths and English is a key priority, we still have an exciting and varied foundation curriculum. North America, World War 2 and Biomes are some of the topics we explore. There are also a number of exciting events during the year. The Year 6 residential and the Year 6 summer production are two events the children always look forward to. Year 6 is a challenging but exciting year!

Curriculum overview maps will give you all the information you need about the work your child will be doing each term. Please do take the time to look at these maps for your child's year group in order to support them. Curriculum maps are issued termly and can be found by clicking here.