Mathematics provides the means of understanding some of the most complex aspects of our world, while, at a different level, it is essential to the efficient conduct of our everyday lives. Children need to appreciate the fascination of mathematics through pattern, logic and creative activities, while building a solid base of knowledge, skills and understanding which will enable them to estimate and calculate confidently.
We aim to ensure that children become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, learn to reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, and solve problems by applying their mathematics. We aim to provide more opportunities for children to practice mathematical skills in real life situations, through events such as class fundraising, My Money Week and running stalls at whole school celebrations.
Mathematics is not only taught because it is useful; it should be a source of delight and wonder, offering pupils intellectual excitement and an appreciation of its essential creativity.
Children will be supported to make connections, notice patterns and structures and, from these, form and apply generalisations.
As a school, we put a high importance on improving the children's number and times table facts. By the end of Year 1, all children will know number bonds within 20. By the end of Year 4, all children will know their times tables to 12 x 12. They will be able to apply these facts confidently during maths lessons. If children are secure with number facts, they will be able to focus on the concept/method/pattern rather than the number facts needed to know the answer.