Sporting Events
Hamsey Green Primary School takes part in as many inter school sports opportunities as we possibly can.
Football league matches are played against other schools and can be both home and away fixtures. Parents are welcome to attend but are respectfully asked to make only encouraging comments and to keep siblings under control during matches.
In order to give more players a game sometimes friendly matches are played - these results do not affect the league table.
Netball matches are played on the same rota as the football teams. High five is played with a team of at least seven players with five on the pitch at any one time. Those not on the pitch score or keep time. The game is split into four quarters. The team can include boys but only two are allowed on the pitch during any quarter.
Cross Country
There are several opportunities to run against local schools during the year. The children are sorted into four groups - Years 3 and 4, Years 5 and 6 - both age groups being sorted into boys and girls. The first four children from each school are scored. The school can send up to fifteen children in each group and they are selected from those attending the cross country club.
Hamsey Green has a history of taking part in local swimming galas. For the last few years a local schools' gala has been held at Warlingham secondary school. The event is for a team of sixteen children taken from years 5 and 6. Each child has an individual event, takes a leg of the medley relay and also swims front crawl in a freestyle relay. The lengths are 50m or 25m front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke and there are medals for the winners. Last year Hamsey Green came third overall.
District Sports
Hamsey Green Primary School is the home of the School’s District Sports in the Summer Term.
Children involved in District Sports will receive a letter nearer the time to let them know which event they have been selected for.