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Train to Teach

Hamsey Green Primary School offers teacher training through our School Direct courses, which are designed as school-centred initial teacher training (SCITT) routes and are a popular choice for those who hope to secure a role in the network of schools where they train.  

Our School Direct courses last a year and result in qualified teacher status (QTS).  On completion, you will be awarded or given the opportunity to undertake a postgraduate certificate in education (PGCE) and/or Master’s-level credits depending on whether you take the salaried or unsalaried route.

If you have been working for three years or more and like the idea of School Direct, but want to earn a salary, School Direct (salaried) is available exclusively for you. Otherwise, you can elect to take the unsalaried route but you may also be eligible for a training bursary or scholarship and can apply for financial support, such as student loans.  

Our School Direct Programme is provided through the South East Learning Alliance (SELA) of which we are a member school.   Training within our Alliance gives you the unique opportunity to experience a broad range of teaching environments, with all our schools providing the highest quality teaching and learning for their students and the trainees they are supporting and developing.  The Alliance comprises a range of comprehensive secondary and primary schools, all working in partnership to help produce high quality and well-trained teachers of the future.

You will train in at least two schools in the Alliance and can specify your preference of lead school should it be Hamsey Green or one of the others in the Alliance.  You will get the chance to learn ‘on the job’ – but you shouldn’t worry about being thrown in at the deep end. You will be part of a team from the very start, receiving intensive support from experienced teachers and mentors. The principles of academic rigour on School Direct are the same as on university-led courses.

For comprehensive information about the School Direct programme, the South East Learning Alliance and what Hamsey Green can offer, please view our brochure below.

South Farnham SCITT Ambassador School - train to teach here!


We are delighted to be a partner school for South Farnham SCITT.


South Farnham SCITT delivers Ofsted outstanding school-based initial teacher training for primary and secondary teachers across London and the South East. Our vision is to recruit and train the outstanding teachers of the future, bringing stability and continuity to our local primary and secondary school workforce.

Through an extensive and diverse partnership of schools, primary and secondary trainees are placed into geographically organised cohorts across the London boroughs and South East, minimising travel for trainees and allowing applicants to train and work in their local community.

Our teacher training programmes have children and young people’s best interests at the core. Working together, and as one, we strive to develop best practice so that pupils across the region experience teaching of the highest quality, underpinned by outstanding research-based training and development opportunities for all. 

As a school, we are proud to be supporting the recruitment, training and development of future teachers across our region. To find out more please see the SF SCITT interactive brochure and visit their website.

The South Farnham SCITT team are always happy to help - call 01252 717408 or email


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For further details about all of our available courses, please click here for the 'Find Postgraduate Teaching' website or view our course list in the brochure above.

General information about teaching

For general information on how to ‘get into teaching’ and how to apply; please use the following websites: